Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sons Of Anarchy - Season Two - Premiere Episode Music

The opening?

ANVIL!!!! Rawk in all its recklessness. “Slip Kid”, a song by The Who. Matt Hyde makes is sound rad and Franky Perez (people should know about him) sings his friggin’ ass off.

The closing?

LIONS doing an amazing take on “Girl From The North Country”. When you see the montage you’ll be blown away. I read the script which called for four different versions of the song to seamlessly play, one into the other. I asked LIONS to do a version for us. Gave them no direction at all. Just said I wanted to hear what they had to say When they sent it to me, the other three versions were no longer needed. LIONS have managed to capture all emotions necessary. It’s pretty incredible when you land on the same cosmic page like that.

Go buy these two tracks on iTunes. They’re waiting for you. at 99¢ a piece, sounds like a good deal!


snowman said...

Cannot wait to see how it all comes together!! 3-hours and counting...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been searching a lot on the internet with no good answer to my question.

There was an Irish version of the Sons of Anarchy Theme in the episode where the Sons go to Belfast.

Can you tell me what is the name of the song and who is the artist?